May 31, 2012.
Day: 7 Daily Miles: 46 Total Miles: 317.5 Hours Hiking: 17.5 6:40am-12:20am
Listen to the audio journal above or Download May 31th Audio File Here
Day 7
Overlooking Big Bear in the morning. |
May 31 2012, Day 7. I hiked 46 miles to
a coordinate position of 0475574 E 3797176 N. I started up by Big
Bear and I ended passed Mojave Dam. It was a long day. Didn't see
anybody at all and until like 6 o'clock, there is just no one that
what wants to hike out there. It was pretty cruisy, downhill, flats,
but it did get really really hot. But there are two creeks that you
follow for a while – Deep Creek and Holcomb Creek, which neither of
which you can really get to for a lot of the time, but they're there,
so it makes it seem a little better. Trail magic the day prior was
great, so I grabbed another soda from the Motel 6 one, because there
was like three trail magic places. That was a big help towards the
end of the day. I finally got to Deep Creek at about 3, so that was
25 miles and then proceeded to follow the good and bad trail along
the canyon rim or wall I guess.
One of the 4 rattlers in 10 minutes in Deep Creek Canyon. |
I saw 4 rattlesnakes on trail within
10 miles and they were literally a foot away because the trails is
just chiseled out of the cliff. I saw 6 horny toads. I got to Deep
Creek hot springs, I did some laundry a.k.a. just rinsed out my
clothes, went into a little hot pool for about 10 minutes and
continued on. I met a couple hikers there and finally got my log book
signed and then I struggled onwards for about two miles, over the
bridge until I had to take a nap at about 8 to 9 o'clock at night. I
wanted to do night hiking because it was nice and wanted to get more
miles in. From there I woke up and it felt like I had a fever and not
did not feel good. The whole morning I had a {mental}fog that wasn't
cool and good at all. So I was trying to figure out exactly what it
was from and I kinda concluded that I'm sick and it's probably a
Holcomb Creek crossing a few miles before Deep Creek. |
During the day the temperatures were up somewhere in the high
90's to 100, because my watch said 107, which granted in the sun it
heats up, but that's frickin' hot. And, if I had a fever I probably
wouldn't have noticed just because it's already hot out. So I
couldn't figure out why, why I was in this mental haze early in the
morning for about three hours. So finally it kinda of dawned on me
that I'm back in the same stated again. It's 80 out, dark and I'm
literally really, really, really hot. This morning was find, but um,
we'll see how that pans out. I might take a zero, not a zero, a half
day off in Cajon Pass, just to try and see if I can make life better
for myself. I made it down passed Mojave Dam, good hiking, easy
hiking. I tried to make as far as possible so I don't' have to be in
the heat as much or as long today. That's about it, I camped out on
an unused dirt road that's between two water sources. Gonna hit
Silverwood Lake tomorrow and that'll be it.
Day 3 Panorama - Looking down onto Palm Springs from the San Jacinto ridge climb. |