Sunday, December 2, 2012

About The Speed Attempt Journal

Tuna Helper's 2012 PCT Speed Record Attempt Journal
The text in the following posts has been painstakingly transcribed from over 411 minutes (almost 7 hours) of audio journal entries that I recorded while hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail. In most instances I was recording the previous day in the morning of the day that followed it, therefore some 'today' and 'yesterday' references may be confusing or inaccurate. The style may be difficult to read at first because it was spoken rather than written. Because it is more or less flow of consciousness, thoughts can occur or change mid-sentence with with little regard to proper sentence structure and punctuation etc. I've done my best to try to separate thoughts and convey feeling etc that are expressed in how the actual words were spoken. To me, some of the most interesting parts are my thoughts before the trip and how they compare/contrast with what I think after I am off-trail. Not every day is adventure-packed, but most days have at least a few gems here and there. In the whole, I think it is a good representation of what it was like. Having the map page of the trail with my camping locations marked might make some of my references/descriptions more relevant and easier to imagine.

Each of the following posts has the transcribed audio text and a playable version of the original audio file. I have inserted photos taken on the corresponding journal entry date. I would recommend listening to the posts rather than reading them, as the voice inflections indicate how I was feeling and thinking much better than just the straight text. Look for the media bar above the text and hit the play button.

I hope you enjoy!